Therapy Specialization
Dr Suchita Chavda
Lets’ nurture mental health the same way as we do physical health.
- Depression & Anxiety
- Children, Adolescents/Teens Emotional & Behavioural Problems
- Assertiveness, Low Self-Esteem & Peer Pressure
- Grief & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Couple/Marital Therapy, Interpersonal Relationships, Family Therapy.
- Personal Growth & Spiritual Counselling
- Work Related Stress & Conflict Management
- Leadership Development, Team-Building
- Life Coaching
- Hypno-Therapy
- Senior Citizens: Ageing Gracefully

My Clinical Journey
My clinical journey has been marked by a deep commitment to helping individuals struggling with mental health issues. Throughout my career, I have focused on evidence-based clinical practice that uses a variety of methodologies to help clients achieve their goals.
My experience studying and practicing in Mumbai, India as a Clinical Psychologist provided me with a strong foundation in clinical psychology. There, I had the opportunity to research and understand the impact of family environment on children with behavioral problems. Since immigrating to South Africa in 1999, I have had the opportunity to work at various Department of Health Clinics and Tara Hospital where I continued to develop my clinical expertise. Furthermore, I have always been passionate about promoting mental health awareness in the community. In addition to my clinical work, I have organized community events and given motivational talks on mental health issues in order to promote understanding and awareness.
My commitment to providing quality mental health care and advocacy for my clients has driven me to pursue new avenues of education. In 2017, I completed an MBA degree at Wits Business School in Johannesburg to further enhance my knowledge and skills. As a clinical psychologist practicing in Sandton, I have always been committed to using evidence-based clinical practice and various methodologies to help clients overcome mental health challenges and achieve their goals. As a clinical psychologist with decades of experience in Mumbai, India and South Africa, my commitment to providing quality mental healthcare has been unwavering.
I have always been motivated to help those struggling with mental health issues, and my extensive experience has allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the impact of family environment, individual beliefs, and attitudes on mental health.
“Mental Health is not a destination but a process, It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going “
Noam Shpancer

Warmest Diwali wishes! May the divine light illuminate your path and fill your heart with happiness

Happy World Mental Health Day
Happy World Mental Health Day!!! STIGMA is the biggest challenge to access the professional help By spreading awareness on Mental Health, together we can help

World Mental Health Day 2024:
Breaking the Stigma and Prioritizing Well-being Every year on October 10th, the world unites to raise awareness about mental health. World Mental Health Day 2024
Youngsters Group Session on:
• Boosting low self-esteem
• Increasing Morale
• Peer pressure
• Coaching, Sharing and fun activities.
+ 27 11 262 0135
Skype: suchitachavda
Block E, Georgian Place,
18 South Way Street, Kelvin,
Mon-Fri 09:00 - 15:00 | Saturdays by Request only
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